Wollastons camera lucida
International names:
Wollastons camera lucidaEnglish description:
Camera lucidaDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Camera lucida. Wollaston's. Brass base 45x50x13. Expandable arm Dia7 L180-300.Extension graduated in ½ inch units. Prism with shield. Black pasteboard box, trapeze shaped 70-55x215x25, lined with green velvetSigned FRIEDRICH VOIGTLAENDER / IN WIENc1810 (g)
- Category: Light
- Hauch number: F51
- Inventory number: 4940
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 1656
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §0
- Cabinet 1: Bd.2 p.107, pl 33 fig 3
- Literature:
Bud & Warner(1998) p.88