International names:
Electric pistol; Elektrische Pistole; Pistolet électrique; Sclopetarium electricumDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Volta's pistol. Turned brass gun barrel Dia60-40 L350. Glass stand Dia26 H210 on turned wooden base Dia220, painted black and red with gold foliage. Overall H400. "1828 Juli" painted under the base, with the same writing as "K53" probably at the occasion of transfer from Copenhagen to Sorø, which was officially in November 1827.Not signedc1827
- Category: Electricity
- Hauch number: K053
- Inventory number: 7600
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 2136
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §386
- Cabinet 1: 0
- Literature:
Gehler(1787-96) III p.508
Gehler(1825-45) VII p.573