International names:
Electric pistol; Elektrische Pistole; Pistolet électrique; Sclopetarium electricumDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Volta's pistol. Brass. Egg-shaped H155 on turned foot Dia55. Screw fit lid Dia45 with isolating central glass tube through which a brass conductor can slide app 8 mm. A hooked end of the conductor comes within spark gap distance of the brass body. At the bottom is a hole, closed by a cork stopper. After loading with Hydrogen-Air, the pistol is held upside down and fired by nearing it to an electric source.Not signedc1800 (g)
- Category: Electricity
- Hauch number: K052
- Inventory number: 7590
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 2135
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §386
- Cabinet 1: 0
- Literature:
Gehler(1787-96) III p.508 Taf.XVIII fig.80
Gehler(1825-45) VII p.573 fig, 65