International names:
Marteau d'eau
Danish Instrument Inventory text:
Water hammer. Glass. L240, tube Dia18, spherical bulb and pear shaped bulb. Also one with equal sized bulbs (thermoscope) and a larger with the bulbs offset by app 65 cm, probably for differential temperature.Ref: Det phys Cab vol2 p 45, pl 14 fig 6 and 7.Not signedc1800 (g)
- Category: Heat
- Hauch number: E09
- Inventory number: 6400
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 1696
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §226
- Cabinet 1: Bd. p.45; pl.14 fig6
- Literature:
- Martinus van Marum: 147
Sigaud de la Fond(1780) bd 3 s120,
Gehler(1787-96) IV s. 656
Gehler(1825-45) X s. 1042