International names:
Lever; Hebel; Levier; VectisEnglish description:
BalanceDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Balance. Brass. Base Dia125. Pillar Dia26-21. Beam with equal arms L400. The beam can be turned so that the centre of gravity can be either above or below the fulcrum. Overall H480. A steel beam L400 13x5 section with sliding weight can be substituted (weight missing). No pans.Ref: Det phys Cab vol 1 p 99, pl 16 fig 10.Not signed.1800 app (g)
- Category: Statics
- Hauch number: B31
- Inventory number: 910
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 286
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §123
- Cabinet 1: 1099 16,10
- Literature:
- Sigaud de Lafond : 1,1302
- Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 2,015
Desaguliers(1734) pl.14 fig.1