

International names:

Tantalus beaker

Danish Instrument Inventory text:

Tantalus beaker. Turned wooden base Dia105. Glass beaker max Dia108. Overall H170 with circular syphon glass tube, ending through the base.Not signedc1800 (g)

  • Category: Water
  • Hauch number: G073
  • Inventory number: 2832
  • Danish Instrument Inventory number: 1530
  • Literature:
  • Nollet, J. A.: 2,07736
  • Sigaud de Lafond : vol2 pl.VI, fig 12
  • Martinus van Marum: 110
  • The King George III Collection: D 33
  • Musschenbroek(1739) p.673 pl.XXVIII fig.2

    Adams(1794) I p.543 pl.3 fig.20

    Gehler(1825-45) V p.129

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