International names:
Inclined plane; Schiese Ebene; Plan incliné; Planum inclinatumEnglish description:
Inclined planeDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Inclined plane 475x105x25.Adjustable along mahogany arc. Mahogany base 590x132x18 with 3 wooden leveling screws. Brass cylinder Dia42 L90 with axle and stirrup held by 2 cords over pulleys at top of the inclined plane.Ref: AWH Phys Cab Hefte 1 p151. s'Gravesande (1725) X fig 5.Not signed1800 app (g)
- Category: Statics
- Hauch number: B56
- Inventory number: 400
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 21
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §131
- Cabinet 1: bd.1 p 111; pl.19 fig 08
- Literature:
- Nollet, J. A.: 3,09701
- Sigaud de Lafond : 1,1601
- Martinus van Marum: 35
- The King George III Collection: D 11
- Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 2,056
Hauksbee(1714) pl V fig 5;
s'Gravesande(1725) pl X fig 5;
Desaguliers(1734) XI fig 2