Sammensatte vægtstænger
International names:
Sucking- and forcing pump; Saug- und Druckpumpe; pompe aspirante et foulante, antlica sucoria simul et compressoriaEnglish description:
Guinea and feather apparatus- Category: Statics
- Hauch number: B61
- Inventory number: 4001
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 9000
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §137
- Cabinet 1: Bd.1 p.114; pl.20 fig 6
- Literature:
- Sigaud de Lafond : 1,1606
- Martinus van Marum: 2
- The King George III Collection: M48
- Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 2,035
Musschenbroek(1729) pl.V fig.2
's Gravesande(1747) pl.11 fig.1
Desaguliers(1734) pl.9 fig.14
Adams(1794) III pl.IV fig.2