
Mariottes stødmaskine

English description:

Percussion pendulum apparatus

Danish Instrument Inventory text:

Percussion pendulum. Mariotte's collision apparatus. Mahogany stand on tripod with 3 brass leveling screws. From a mahogany bracket is bifilarly suspended 7 ivory spheres with diameter distance and identical level, so as to collide along the same line. From a brass bracket are suspended 2 ivory spheres in the same manner. A circular scale measures the swing of the spheres.To be measured.Ref: s'Gravesande (1748) XXVII fig 1. Van Marum p 172. Det phys Cab vol 1 p 27, pl 4 fig 11&12.Not signed. Certainly Danish.1790 app (g)

  • Category: Mechanics
  • Hauch number: A44
  • Inventory number: 3600
  • Danish Instrument Inventory number: 108
  • Literature:
  • Nollet, J. A.: 1,04717
  • Sigaud de Lafond : 1,0603
  • Martinus van Marum: 53
  • Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 2,061
  • Mariotte(1677)

    's Gravesande(1742) pl 27 fig 1

    Gehler(1787-96) III p.435

    Clercq(1997b) no.32

Mariottes stødmaskineMariottes stødmaskine
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