Lanes udlader
Danish Instrument Inventory text:
Leyden jar with Lane's discharger. Shaped mahogany base 230x360 on 3 spherical wooden feet (1 missing). Glass jar Dia135 H290, held to the base by mahogany ring. Tin foil to H200. Central conductor in glass tube to H500, supported inside by wooden foot and 4 crossed struts. Glass pillar Dia28 H420 with brass top with horizontal adjustable rod, held by set screw. Overall H540.Not signed1800 app (g)
- Category: Electricity
- Hauch number: K096
- Inventory number: 7931
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 2187
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §512
- Cabinet 1: 0 47
- Literature:
- Martinus van Marum: 311
- Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 3,159