International names:
HygrometerDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Hygrometer. Brass. Semicircular scale 0-100 (S-H). Brass neck L360 extending from the middle of the scale with fitting for filament (missing). Zero adjustment. Oak case, shaped 470x165x30 with sliding lid.Hauch describes the instrument: Saussure hygrometer with 2 hairs. Matthiessen's inventory: Casbois gut hygrometer. Nicolas Casbois: "Sur un hygrométre a boyau de ver a soie", 1784. Not signedc1800 (g)
- Category: Air
- Hauch number: G124
- Inventory number: 6620
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 1703
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §353
- Cabinet 1: 0
- Literature:
Gehler(1825-45) V p.597