Elektrisk lufttermometer
International names:
Electric air thermometer; Electrisches LuftthermometerDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Thermometer. Electrical. Kinnersley's. Brass base Dia72 supporting a brass collar Dia48 with a vertical glass tube Dia40 H100 and a glass capillary H200 along its side, forming communicating vessels. At the top of the glass tube is a brass cover with central brass conductor, adjustable vertically. Inside the glass is a spark gap of 2 brass spheres, one connected to the bottom, the other to the upper conductor.Not signedc1800 (g)
- Category: Electricity
- Hauch number: K104
- Inventory number: 7511
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 2141
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §528
- Cabinet 1: 0 47
- Literature:
- Martinus van Marum: 324
- Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 3,145
Gehler(1787-96) III p.87 (pl.XVI fig.26)
Gehler(1825-45) 6 p.621 (fig 100)