International names:
jack, wagenwindeEnglish description:
Jack. ModelDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Jack. Model. A curved crank moves via a reducing gear and a rack-and-pinion the jack 120 mm. The load is kept in check by pawl-and-rachet. Iron and wood. Lmax443Ref: AWH Phys Cab Hefte 1 p 116 Pl 20 fig 12, 13.G. Turner p 80Not signed1800 app (g)
- Category: Statics
- Hauch number: B66
- Inventory number: 610
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 40
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §137
- Cabinet 1: bd.1 p.116; pl.20 fig12
- Literature:
- Sigaud de Lafond : 1,1701
Desaguliers(1734) pl.12 fig.5
Gehler(1825-45) VII p.1160