Desaguliers friktionsmaskine
English description:
Tribometer - an instrument for studying frictionDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Friction machine. Desagulier's. Small mahogany table Dia190. A brass flywheel Dia140 with steel axle resting on 4 brass wheels Dia80 as frictionless bearing. The flywheel is set in oscillating movements by means of a spiral steel spring. A brass lever arm L120 rests on the axle of the flywheel and can be loaded with weights. The friction of the lever upon the fly-wheel axle determines the number of oscillations.Ref: Det phys Cab vol 1 p 34, pl 5 fig 8.Not signedc1800 (g)
- Category: Mechanics
- Hauch number: A50
- Inventory number: 3660
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 1559
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §83
- Cabinet 1: Bd.1 p.34, pl 5 fig 8
- Literature:
- Nollet, J. A.: 1,03309
- Sigaud de Lafond : 1,0701
- Martinus van Marum: 46
- The King George III Collection: M63
- Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 2,057
Desaguliers(1734); XVIII, fig. 8;
Gallon(1735) iii, 95; iv 75-8;