Bevægelse op ad skråplan
International names:
Centre of Gravity; Schwerpunct; Centre de gravité; Centrum gravitatusEnglish description:
Cylinder rolling up a slopeDanish Instrument Inventory text:
Cylinder rolling up a slope. In the form of a grinding stone. Sheet metal Dia315 Width95. Mahogany slope 825x125x240.Ref: Det phys Cab vol 1 p 84, pl 14 fig 11.Not signed1800 app (g)
- Category: Statics
- Hauch number: B12
- Inventory number: 790
- Danish Instrument Inventory number: 306
- Hauch references:
- Begynd.grund: §116
- Cabinet 1:
- Literature:
- Sigaud de Lafond : 1,1202
- Cataloque of Mechanical Instruments, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze: 2,003
Desaguliers(1734) pl.IV fig.15
's Gravesande(1747) pl.5 fig.5